About Me

(update 12/8/14)

My name is Lily Bean. Nice to meet you!
Although I have Southern California running deep in my veins, I am currently located in West Texas. Now I live with all beach and no ocean. I have always had a fantastic belief in all things faerie and feel that the title of this blog truly represents me and my mission. 

Faerie Life... Who lives a more natural lifestyle than those in the land of faerie.
I am on a quest to better the health of my mind, body, and spirit by going back to basics. This is my adventure into a more holistic, natural lifestyle.

I have always been a generally health conscious person and prefer to take care of my body the best way I can. I recently made a switch to a grain-free diet after reading Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis. By the time I was reading the third chapter, I felt to convinced that I needed to make this lifestyle adjustment. I have a strong family history of diabetes on both sides and am terrified of becoming a statistic with them all. As a self-proclaimed carbaholic and sugar addict I knew I had to make a real change. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep myself healthy with how I was living.

I have also preferred a more holistic approach to health and was more than happy when I was introduced to essential oils by a friend. I suddenly became acutely aware of all the junk in our food, healthcare, and beauty products. I began reading the labels to EVERYTHING. I am simply not happy with ignoring what is in things and pretending like they are not hurting me. So I am making a conscious effort to make better choices in what I put in and on my body. When I can't find a quality item that I need, I will make it. When you make it, you know what's in it.

I am the proud mom of an Australian shepherd (Theodora) and black lab (Penelope). I have also decided to make these health changes for their well being. Anyone who knows me, knows I go to the vet more than an average dog owner. Thea is exceptionally sensitive to things and has allergies. I want to keep them both happy and healthy for a long time. I now have them on grain free dry food and have begun to use essential oils on them as well.

In an effort to learn everything there is to learn about proper aromatherapy techniques I have decided to start working towards becoming a clinical aromatherapist. I have been so inspired in this area of my life and just want to be sure that I am educated enough to give any advice and suggestions. I will start with my elective courses soon while I save up enough to pay my way through the main program classes. I am so excited to begin this journey and take you with me along the way.

This blog is about my adventures as I dig deeper into this faerie life of mine. I am excited to share stories, testimonials, and DIY recipes with you all as I go.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Hope to see you again soon!
Lily Bean

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