Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Into This Blouse (New Look A6286)

Hi! I have been doing my best to get some weather appropriate everyday pieces sewn up lately.
You may have noticed I tend to lean towards fancier dresses... the kind that are considered everyday in Mad Men and the Stepford Wives. Although I take no issue to being overdressed (it's always better than under-dressed) I am ready to explore sewing "normal" clothes.

I mainly sew skirts and pair them with t-shirts for daily wear but I became bored of the t-shirt look. I am finally ready to expand my blouse collection. I have only made one "spaghetti strap blouse" and one 3/4 sleeve knit top.

The pattern I chose was New Look A6286 in view A

The instructions were easy to follow and the construction was very simple. I really enjoyed making it.

It ties in the back and has a loop button at the top.

 I had no trouble with the fit. The garment measurements listed on the back of the package were perfectly matched to my finished product. I love the shape and feel it is very flattering. The design is so feminine and perfect to welcome the season of Spring into my wardrobe.

Lily Bean

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jumpsuit Fail McCalls M6083

Let me begin by saying the only reason this jumpsuit was a fail was due to user error.
I love, love, loooooove the way it looks on me. Do you agree?
Want to know why it is a fail?

As you can see, the cover clearly shows the jumpsuit illustrated as a loose fitting item of clothing. I thought I was real smart and decided to make it more fitted. It wasn't until I already had the majority of the construction done that I realized this was not a piece put on and then zipped up to fit... I would need to be able to squeeze in and out of it.

I am able to get myself in it and get myself out of it... it is all just a matter of some serious yoga and dancing hahaha. I am terrified to wear this very far from home. I can't imagine trying to figure my way around a public bathroom stall in this.

I am beyond disappointed because everything else is perfect. Everything except the fact that I can barely maneuver myself into or out of it.

Aside from my own shortcomings, this pattern was very simple. The instructions were not complicated at all and the construction came together easily. I urge anyone looking to make this pattern to do so. Just keep in mind that the ease was designed to be extra inches for a very important reason.

Lily Bean

Monday, March 23, 2015

Naturally Sweet Hair Spray

Hello everyone!
I am stopping by to share a very simple, natural hair spray recipe with you.
I am one of those girls who had shelves full of hair products... all my prized possessions and all FULL OF JUNK. Since I have made such an effort to get rid of all possible junk in my life I knew the day would come for me to let go of my hair products. I will admit, initially I stopped using them but could not get myself to actually throw them out. I needed them on my shelf as a security blanket. 
Finally, one day while reading the labels AGAIN hoping they would have magically changed to safe ingredients over night, I decided it was time. I came out of that fog and got a big garbage bag and threw out every last bottle and can. 
For a good few weeks I walked around with the same pony tail everyday because I felt like I couldn't do any style. Then I decided to research what others are doing to tame their natural mane.
Naturally Sweet Hair Spray
1/2 tsp sugar for every 1 ounce water
(Add the sugar to warm water to melt it in the bottle. I have 1 ounce glass spray bottles.)

Super easy, right?!
Want more hold? Add more sugar. Want less hold? Add less sugar.
I urge you to research for yourself and do what works best for you, your hair, and your health. Some people add some alcohol as a preservative to extend the life of the product. Remember, natural means it will expire. If it smells different dump it and make a fresh batch.

What I learned worked for me:
I only make 1/2 an ounce at a time using only 1/4 tsp. This way I use it before it turns without adding alcohol.
Now I can style my hair and I feel like myself again.
(I went to Cosmetology school, hair is important to me)

If any of you have the same question as my mom: no, bees do not follow my head around all day.

Lily Bean