Monday, March 23, 2015

Naturally Sweet Hair Spray

Hello everyone!
I am stopping by to share a very simple, natural hair spray recipe with you.
I am one of those girls who had shelves full of hair products... all my prized possessions and all FULL OF JUNK. Since I have made such an effort to get rid of all possible junk in my life I knew the day would come for me to let go of my hair products. I will admit, initially I stopped using them but could not get myself to actually throw them out. I needed them on my shelf as a security blanket. 
Finally, one day while reading the labels AGAIN hoping they would have magically changed to safe ingredients over night, I decided it was time. I came out of that fog and got a big garbage bag and threw out every last bottle and can. 
For a good few weeks I walked around with the same pony tail everyday because I felt like I couldn't do any style. Then I decided to research what others are doing to tame their natural mane.
Naturally Sweet Hair Spray
1/2 tsp sugar for every 1 ounce water
(Add the sugar to warm water to melt it in the bottle. I have 1 ounce glass spray bottles.)

Super easy, right?!
Want more hold? Add more sugar. Want less hold? Add less sugar.
I urge you to research for yourself and do what works best for you, your hair, and your health. Some people add some alcohol as a preservative to extend the life of the product. Remember, natural means it will expire. If it smells different dump it and make a fresh batch.

What I learned worked for me:
I only make 1/2 an ounce at a time using only 1/4 tsp. This way I use it before it turns without adding alcohol.
Now I can style my hair and I feel like myself again.
(I went to Cosmetology school, hair is important to me)

If any of you have the same question as my mom: no, bees do not follow my head around all day.

Lily Bean

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