Monday, October 13, 2014

Disappearing Ink

Hello there!!
I have an oily victory story to share.
My oldest fur baby, Theodora, has a longer than normal medical history for a 4 year old pooch. My friends call her my bubble dog... everything seems to affect her and I have to be so careful with what I let her eat and play in. 

She has had these random spots of dark pigmentation pop up on her belly before three times in the last year. I have taken her to the vet where they inspected her spots in every way, just short of a biopsy and we are not quite sure what the spots are yet. The first time the vet prescribed her an ointment to cover all bases: anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antifungal, antibcterial steroids. Had this ointment not worked, I would be taking her in to remove that skin and have it biopsied. Needless to say, I was so glad it worked! However, this is some mean stuff... the kind of ointment I don't want to touch. Not only do I need to wear gloves but I need to try and keep Thea from rubbing, licking, or scratching at it. The second time the spots popped up I just turned to the ointment because I knew that is what the vet would have me do.

So 9 days ago I noticed she had a new spot on her belly. Instinctively I went to the medicine cabinet to make sure the ointment had not expired. Next I was hunting for gloves to protect myself. As I was looking for them I couldn't help but think how awful that I would put something on my baby that I didn't want to personally come in contact with.

Day 1

The lightbulb went on... of course! With my handy-dandy "Essential Oils & Pets" pamphlet and by asking my oil group for support in a decision, I was able to decide to use my Young Living Frankincense Essential Oil. According to my pamphlet, written by a veterinarian Dr. Mary Hess, Frankincense "Is used in every aspect of pet care, including wounds, tumors, behavior, infections, bacteria, fungus, and so forth". Sounded like all my bases would be covered again.

Day 4

Day 8

Day 9, Officially Cleared of Brown Spots

What I did:
I put 5 drops of Frankincense EO (get it here) in a roller ball and filled with 5mL of grapeseed oil.

Every application would start with a good wipe with witch hazel and a picture. For the first 4 days I put the oil on her spot every eight hours. Day 5-6 I dropped the frequency to every 12 hours. Day 7-8 I only put the oil on once a day before bed.
By day 9 the spot was gone. You can barely even tell where it was. It seemed to dry up and scab off throughout the week.

I am beyond excited that I did not need to take her in to the vet or use the strong ointment at all!

So happy with my Young Living Essential Oils and how they have helped me and my loved ones.

Lily Bean and Theodora

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