Young Living Essential Oil Thieves Blend
The history of this blend says that it was created based on four thieves who survived the Black Plague. They were able to go into the infected homes and come out without catching the illness. When they were caught, they were offered a lighter sentence if they admitted how they had managed such a thing. Turns out these men were spice traders and had knowledge of the natural defenses provided by plants. Their recipe was used to create this blend.
Thieves Blend is made from:
Clove - known for immune-enhancing properties
Lemon - powerful antioxidant known for it's ability to act as a natural solvent and cleanser
Cinnamon Bark - reputation for supporting the digestive system
Eucalyptus Radiata - many health promoting properties
Rosemary - naturally energizing, may be beneficial for helping restore mental alertness when fatigued
I want to start by saying that I am not here to tell anyone to get of their medication. I’m not a medical professional and cannot legally diagnose, cure or treat. If you are under the care of a physician, consult them first before diving in. Let it be known that this is for informational purposes only. To practice medicine requires a license…To promote good health does not.
That being said, let's get in to why I am in love with Thieves blend. There is a reason why Young Living made a whole product lines for Thieves. You can get foaming hand soap, hand purifier, spray, wipes, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, mints, lozenges, and household cleaner all made from natural ingredients and including Thieves oil blend.
Thieves has been university tested for it's cleansing abilities and is highly effective in supporting the immune system.
Let's face it... these days we can all use an immune boost... I am sure you agree.
Here are my top 10 14 12 uses for Thieves Essential Oil Blend
(Update 12/8/14 I am making a personal choice to no longer ingest oils. I have removed 2 reasons here where I had suggested doing so. I will write a blog post explaining my why behind this choice.)
2 - rub a drop on my feet every other morning and night to help support my immune system
4 - to diffuse in my room (especially when someone in the house is sick and I am avoiding it)
6 - to soothe sore, bleeding gums
7 - I keep the spray in my purse and spray cuts...
8 - ...and in case I need to freshen my breath
9 - spot treatment on skin irritations
10 - cleaning everything and anything with the household cleanser
11 - keeping my mouth in tip top shape with the oral care products
12 - washing/purifying my hands
13 - eliminating pet odors
14 - immune boost for my pets
I love that Thieves smells like Christmas!
This blend definitely belongs in the Everyday Collection. Not a day goes by that I don't use the oil or products multiple times.
Happy oiling!
Lily Bean
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.